Your Hair Transplant Timeline: What to Expect Before, During and After

Your Hair Transplant Timeline: What to Expect Before, During and After

Stepping into the world of hair transplants can be both exciting and daunting. In this instalment of Hair Loss 101, we're giving you a behind-the-scenes tour of what to expect when you choose Gro Clinics for a hair transplant using our innovative PFP technique.



  • Preparation for your hair transplant involves an in-depth consultation to assess suitability, creation of a personalised treatment plan, and pre-procedure instructions to ensure optimal readiness.

  • The PFP procedure utilises micro-FUE for follicle extraction and precise implantation techniques for natural-looking results.

  • Post-procedure recovery includes comprehensive aftercare instructions, a short recovery period with visible hair growth starting from three months and significant results by six to nine months.


1. Before the Procedure: Preparation and Consultation

Initial Consultation: Your journey starts with an in-depth consultation with one of our hair growth advisors. We’ll evaluate your hair loss, discuss your goals, and determine if the PFP technique is right for you.

Personalised Treatment Plan: Based on the consultation, we develop a personalised plan. This includes mapping out the areas for hair restoration and discussing the expected results.

Pre-Procedure Instructions: You'll receive detailed guidance on how to prepare for the procedure, including lifestyle recommendations and any temporary changes to your hair care routine.

2. During the Procedure: The PFP Experience

Comfort and Care: On the day of the transplant, our team ensures you're comfortable and informed about every step of the process. Local anaesthesia is used to minimise discomfort.

Extraction Stage: You’ll have a lie down and watch a bit of Netflix while our team get’s started. The PFP technique begins with the micro-FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) stage. Your doctor will meticulously extract individual hair follicles from the donor area with minimal scarring and maximal follicle viability. A lot of our patients end up having a bit of a nap during this stage.

Lunch Time: We’ll take a break, order you some lunch and let you stretch your legs for a while.

Implantation Stage: After extraction, the follicles are directly implanted into the recipient areas. Our precision-focused approach ensures the follicles are placed at the correct angle, direction, and depth, ensuring a natural look.

Duration: The entire process can vary in length depending on the number of hairs being transplanted but is typically completed within a day.

3. After the Procedure: Recovery and Results

Immediate Aftercare: Post-procedure, you’ll receive comprehensive aftercare instructions. This includes how to care for your scalp and any medications or topical treatments to use.

Recovery Period: Recovery varies per individual, but most patients can return to normal activities within a few days. Minor swelling and discomfort may occur but should subside within a week.

Hair Growth Timeline: Every head of hair is different. Typically, you’ll be able to see your new hairline right away. The transplanted hairs may shed around the 3-week mark, but new growth can be seen as early as three months post-procedure. More significant results are visible after six to nine months. Full results are typically observed one year after the transplant.

Follow-up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor your progress and ensure you’re on track to achieving the desired results.

4. The Gro Clinics Promise: Support Throughout Your Journey

At Gro Clinics, we pride ourselves on providing continuous support throughout your hair restoration journey. Our team is committed to ensuring your experience is as comfortable and successful as possible.

Ongoing Care: Even after the procedure, we remain a text message away for any questions or concerns you may have. Our goal is to ensure you feel supported and satisfied with your results.

Tailored Advice: We provide tailored advice on maintaining your hair health post-transplant, including lifestyle and hair care recommendations.

Embarking on a hair transplant journey is a significant decision, but with the right team and technique, it can be a transformative experience. The PFP technique at Gro Clinics is designed to offer a seamless, comfortable process with natural, lasting results. Remember, at Gro Clinics, your journey to a fuller head of hair is guided by expertise, care, and a commitment to excellence.


Ready to take the next step? We have clinics all around Australia and New Zealand including BrisbaneGold CoastSydneyMelbourne & Perth.

Why not give us a call on 1300 787 563 to start your hair growth journey.

Reading next

Hair Loss 101: Exploring FUE vs PFP Hair Transplant Techniques
Hair Loss 101: Causes of Hair Loss & Hair Loss Treatments